Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

So.... we've been trying to get our food storage in order since we bought our house in November.... yeah. We're not even close right now. And the swine flu is already here. I'm having a hard time not feeling like a failure and also having a hard time not rushing out and just buying anything I can get my hands on. I feel like I need to get organized, make a plan, then carry it out- maybe just a little bit faster than I would have if the swine flu wasn't striking people dead all over the globe. But the more research and planning I attempt to do, the more I'm like "SCREW IT! We're already dead... it's over, I can't do it..."

Any suggestions how to beat this feeling?


rachael said...

Think of it as a warning. Sounds like you need to come and hang out for a few hours so I can give you some suggestions, and some hope! Call me an optimist, but I have faith that if we are trying to do what we can, we will be taken care of- you're not alone! I am actually in charge of this for my ward and have been thinking a lot about how to help people like you not feel 1. overwhelmed and 2. like they need to go into debt to buy a year supply. I'm here if you have time... I think you're more likely to die from exhaustion than from swine flu...just my two bits!

Millie said...

That sounds more like Satan. He would love it if you felt overwhelmed and gave up.

I agree with Rach - treat it as a warning, and make little goals you know you can reach...

:) Love you

Millie said...

P.S. Most of the deaths have been in Mexico, and the little boy who died here came to Texas from Mexico City. So for now, it's not as bad as it could be.

Ben and Dena said...

Thanks guys- I know you're right. I just need to start small. Okay! I can do it!

Whitney said...

This might sound a little crazy :) But my dad thinks that all this coverage on the Swine Flu is to make sure people aren't noticing what they're doing in the senate. I guess they passed the new universal health care plan at 12am like two days ago (but it's not a law yet- that's what my dad says). Did you hear about it? Not me....all I've been hearing about is the Swine flu....yes, it is a bit of a conspiracy theory but, kind of makes sense. We still shouldn't think it won't happen to us though. And Rach is right, the Lord takes care of his own!

Randi said...

I don't know Whitney, but Aaron and I thought the exact same thing. I think that's its not a coincidence that the government is blowing this way out of proportion. I'm glad we're being more aware of how to be healthy and all, but the swine flu is exactly like the normal flu except it will transfer faster from person to person. There is an 8 year old kid here in AZ that had it and he's already better. Obviously everyone is taking extra precautions which is very smart, but I think that with the health care we have in the U.S. we will be just fine. I think Obama just wants us to feel like the only thing we can do is use his health care plan, which will be pretty stupid.

Also, you can not have fear and faith at the same time. There is not enough room, so have faith. Trust in the Lord and everything else WILL fall into place.

Sare said...

I'm pretty much with everyone else...It sounds like Satan is working on your weakness (fear in this case) I stopped working on our food storage so when we moved i wasn't having to haul it all around with us, so i am kind of feeling the pinch too...i'm sorry, but just start with a plan and get going! I think the church website has some really good resources on it to help you get started!! and maybe just start picking up a few extra things every time you shop... you can do it!!!