Saturday, June 21, 2008

And We're Off!

Today we are going to Boise! I'm so excited to see all the family! I get to see my sister Heather that I haven't seen in over a year and a half! I'm SO SO SO excited!

This is Brook's first trip on a plane and we're excited, yet slightly apprehensive! Hopefully she likes it!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah! We can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Millie said...

Hope you have a great trip and Brook is a happy traveler!

Unknown said...

How out of it am I? I knew I hadn't stayed in touch so well, but really? I didn't realize you and Ben had moved. I thought you were still living in downtown Boise. I need to catch up with you! I hope you do enjoy your trip!

Jolene said...

Come back to me Dena!!!!!!! But really, have so much fun and I'll see you in 2 weeks! Give Heather a hug for me!

Brittney said...

Dena! This is Brittney! Your baby is...just about the cutest thing of life.

Latina vivit.

Anonymous said...

I want to come! I am so missing you guys. Brook is So dang cute and I love all the fun pictures. Tell Heather I say hi and that she is SO beautiful! I had totally forgotten she went on a mission. I'm so proud! We love you and need to talk soon!

Jolene said...

Becca, you should come visit us!! You can stay with Dena or I, or both, and we could play, and it'd be so fun!! Just think about it....!!