Friday, April 24, 2009

The Carnage! Oh the carnage!

So, on Wednesday, while watching Brook and my niece Paisli, I was on fire. I started out the morning cleaning the living room. I was so pumped, I even started vacuuming underneath the cushions! I'm telling you, I was in the mood to clean! I polished up the leather, started fluffing the throw pillows, turned towards the back door.... and froze. There, admidst the two girls, was a swarm of bees. I'm talking SWARM. I freaked out! I starting swinging at the bees with the throw pillows to get them back out the sliding door. I thought I had gotten about half or more of them out, so I slammed the door, threw the throw pillows (no pun intended :) and picked up the girls and ran for the safe haven of Brook's room. I shut the girls inside, grabbed my slappiest pair of sandals and ventured into the living room.
Four bees were flying aimlessly, though it seemed rather aggressive to me at the time, around the room. I took a swing or two at the poor bee pictured above and found success in my second swing. Knocked that sucker flat on his back and stomped on him! Well, I turned to kill the other three, but they were doing to swarming thing again, so I screamed and ran back to hide with the babies while I called Ben out of class to come home and kill them. Being the mighty hunter and incredibly sweet man Ben is, he immediately responded. It took about 15 minutes for him to get home. Us girls hid out until he got there, then he asked me where the bees were- I told him to look by the back and front windows. So we're back in Brook's room waiting for a report- 5, 7, 10 minutes... nothing. So I crack the door, stick my head out and yell "How's it going out there?" All I hear is "What the HECK happened? Is there a freaking HIVE in our house?!?!?!" Well, that convinced me to slam the door again and give him five more minutes. I finally got some courage and made my way out into the living room. This was the sight I came upon....

Dena-1 Ben-12 Bees-0


Jolene said...

Holy smokes!!!! Maybe I won't come visit you after all....I don't want to get stung to death!!

Millie said...

Scary! Did you find out where they came from? Smart thinking, making them go in the bedroom!

Unknown said...

Oh My Gosh!!! I hope you found the hive and DESTROYED it! OR at least harvested some honey! Glad you and the girls are all right.

Nathan and Hailey Frogley said...

Crazy!!!!!!Attack!!!!!! Boys are good for that kind of thing:)